[reSIProcate] Google Summer of Code 2013: Debian WebRTC project discussion

Dizhi Zhou q5frc at unb.ca
Wed Apr 10 21:13:14 CDT 2013

Dear all,

My name is Dizhi Zhou, a Ph.D. candidate from Canada. My research area
is the multipath transmission for wireless cooperative network. I'm very
interested in the WebRTC project so that I wirte this letter to explain
my ideas and hope to get comments from the community.

/**Ideas and discussions**/

Based on the Debian GSoC project webpage, I'm very interested on the
idea of looking at the role of next-generation solutions for WebRTC.

Daniel provides an option of merging WebRTC and mobile VoIP[1]. I have
several questions about this idea:
1) Based on the WebRTC structure[2] and the concept of VoIP[3], I think
the interaction between those two concepts is the RTP used in the
transport module of WebRTC. Then, can this idea be expressed as
designing an enhanced RTP within WebRTC for mobile network?

2)If the answer of question 1 is yes, what is the relationship between
this idea and reSIProcate project, which aims to implement a complete
SIP stack?

In addition, I have another idea for the next-generation solutions of
WebRTC: Becasue my research area is about the multipath upper layer
transmissions (e.g., multipath TCP, or multipath RTP) over wireless
network, I want to enhance the WebRTC performance by extending current
single path RTP support to multipath RTP support. This needs to modify
the RTP model in WebRTC.

Two reasons for me to choose this project:
1) This project is very close to my research plan in this year. As I
explained in last section, I have an idea to merge my proposed multipath
transmission solutions (Multipath TCP and Multipath RTP) to the open
source web browser/web-based application so as to test its performance
in real network. Even I do not do this in GSoC, the experience from GSoC
can also greatly help me to familiar with this platform.

2) I'm very familiar with C++ which is also used in WebRTC core
functions. I participated the GSoC project in 2012 for Network
Simulator-3 project to develop multiple packet schedulers for LTE
simulator. It mainly uses C++. The code I developed was already merged
to the latest release. The project wiki page is

Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to
contact me by q5frc at unb.ca. If you want to know more about my research,
plase visit my homepage: www.cs.unb.ca/~q5frc/

With best regards
Dizhi Zhou

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_over_IP

Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
540 Windsor Street
Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada
E3B 5A3

E. q5frc at unb.ca
Homepage: www.cs.unb.ca/~q5frc/ 

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