[reSIProcate] travis-ci / continuous integration / automated builds

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Sun Feb 24 16:28:09 CST 2013

Just a brief update on travis-ci:

- the mirroring to github now happens automatically (it is run hourly)

- travis does a build when it detects a change in git

Therefore, within 3 hours of a commit, you could get an email from
travis telling you that you broke the build.  However, you could also
get an email if the build was broken already and your commit didn't fix it.

I had tried to do both clang and gcc builds with travis, but there is an
issue with the asio headers not working with clang.  I don't think this
is a reSIProcate stack issue, but for expediency, I've just disabled the
clang build in travis for now.

Build logs (including `make check' output) available here:


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