[reSIProcate] Important: Changes to the VisualStudio Build

Scott Godin slgodin at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 08:17:55 CST 2013

Great stuff!  Long overdue.  Thanks Matthias.

Scott Godin

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Matthias Moetje <moetje at terasens.com>wrote:

> Hello everybody,****
> ** **
> ** **
> the following information is for Visual Studio 2010 users only. If you are
> not using the Visual Studio 2010 Solution and projects, you can stop
> reading, the described changes do not apply to you!****
> ** **
> The problem with the current Visual Studio Solution was that when you want
> to build both for  x86 and x64 platform, all the output goes to the same
> folders. So, in order to consume reciprocate in a solution targeting both
> platforms there were only two options:****
> ** **
> **·         **Create a build process where resiprocate is always built in
> x86 or x64 each time before your own solution is built for one of these
> platforms****
> **·         **Download (or SVN get) reciprocate to two separate folders
> and build one for x86 and another one x64****
> ** **
> Also build output was created in different folders depending on individual
> project settings. There are eight possible configuration/platform
> combinations, and I think it would be best to have the output of all
> projects created in a single folder for each configuration/platform
> combinations. After the changes I just checked in, the output is now
> organized as follows:****
> ** **
> **·         **Solution Folder****
> **o   **Win32****
> **§  **Debug****
> **§  **Release****
> **§  **SSL-Debug****
> **§  **SSL-Release****
> **o   **X64****
> **§  **Debug****
> **§  **Release****
> **§  **SSL-Debug****
> **§  **SSL-Release****
> ** **
> In order to make this work I just changed the Output Directory for all
> projects and for all configuration/platform combinations to****
> ** **
> *$(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\*
> ** **
> I also changed the Intermediate Directory for all projects to:****
> ** **
> *$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\*
> ** **
> (with exceptions: wherever several projects reside in the same folder,
> different intermediate directories are required. This is true for reprolib
> and the basicXXX projects)****
> ** **
> Additionally I added SSL project configurations for all projects that
> didn’t already have these. This is required to have all outputs created in
> a single directory and it’s also necessary to enable consistent builds.
> Otherwise a Clean operation in a non-SSL configuration would affect an SSL
> configuration’s output.****
> ** **
> ** **
> I also did some more changes/cleanup:****
> ** **
> **·         **Added _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to projects where it was
> still missing in order to reduce the amount of warnings. There are less
> than 30 warnings now, so one can concentrate on those warnings that might
> really matter instead of just ignoring a large warning list****
> **·         **Removed Manifest Tool Command Line additional option
> “validate_manifest “ for [repro-x64-Debug-SSL]
> This switch makes the MT.exe only parse the input but does not generate
> output and can lead to a build error. ****
> **·         **Removed all Property Pages “Upgrade from VC 7.1”. The sole
> purpose of this is to introduce the preprocessor directive
> “_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710” which has no practical use at all****
> **·         **There’s a bug in Visual Studio 2010 when Visual Studio 2012
> is installed also. As a result, the Setup projects detect a dependency on
> the .NET Framework for a C++ project even if it does not use .NET. It can
> be cured by adding
> “<AddAdditionalExplicitAssemblyReferences>false</AddAdditionalExplicitAssemblyReferences>”
> to the project file. After doing so I could remove the incorrectly added
> LaunchCondition in the setup projects. Details can be found here:
> http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/746328/after-installing-vs-11-rc-vs-10-setup-projects-require-the-net-framework
> ****
> **·         **Added a new file VisualStudioReadme.htm with some
> information about the Visual Studio build****
> ** **
> All configurations are working now when built either with Visual Studio or
> msbuild.exe. What does not work is Batch Build in Visual Studio. This is
> due to a bug in Visual Studio which occurs when project references are set.
> This could be fixed by setting project dependencies instead of references
> and then specifying library imports manually using the ($OutDir) variable.
> ****
> ** **
> More info on this bug can be found here:****
> **·         **
> http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/636636/batch-build-does-not-work-as-expected
> ****
> **·         **
> http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/633270/link-library-dependencies-for-c-does-not-work-with-batch-build
> ****
> **·         **
> http://qualapps.blogspot.de/2010/04/static-library-dependencies-in-visual.html
> ****
> ** **
> ** **
> Please test and give me some feedback if it works OK for you or if you
> encounter any problems!****
> ** **
> Best regards,****
> ** **
> ** **
> Matthias Moetje****
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