[reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)

Dario Bozzali Dario.Bozzali at ifmgroup.it
Tue Sep 17 10:46:52 CDT 2013

Hi all,
Sorry to bother you (again) about WS and WSS, but I noticed that in isDgramTransport function, used in TransportSelector::getFirstInterface() method (file TransportSelector.cxx), cases for WS ans WSS are missing.
I use WIN32 so I didn't faced issues, maybe in other configurations it could be a problem.
Best regards,

bool isDgramTransport (TransportType type)
   static const bool unknown_transport = false;
      case UDP:
      case DTLS:
      case DCCP:
      case SCTP:
         return   true;

      case TCP:
      case TLS:
+++   case WS:
+++   case WSS:
         return   false;

         return unknown_transport;  // !kh! just to make it compile wo/warning.

-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Pocock
Sent: lunedì 16 settembre 2013 20.20
To: resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)

On 16/09/13 18:56, Dario Bozzali wrote:
> Hi all,
> It would be possible to add to mainline the definitions for symbols WS 
> and WSS (see below)?

I remember looking at that code when doing the WebRTC work but deciding not to include WS and WSS in Symbols.?xx - I think the reason I didn't include them is because I couldn't find other code explicitly referring to these strings and it seemed better for people to use rutil/TransportType

Can anybody else comment on these definitions?  Should they be supported or are they deprecated?

> Symbols.hxx:
> static const char* WS;
> static const char* WSS;
> Symbols.cxx:
> const char* Symbols::WS = "WS";
> const char* Symbols::WSS = "WSS";
> Moreover, in my opinion in method TransportType::isSecure() WS and WSS 
> transports should be handled (see below).

It looks like something went wrong with those changes when the b-webrtc branch was merged.

10079 fixes isSecure, I have cherry-picked it from b-webrtc into main

SVN believed the change was already merged, I had to force it to cherry pick this with --ignore-ancestry

svn merge --ignore-ancestry -c 10079
https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/branches/b-webrtc .

Thanks for the feedback about these issues


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