[reSIProcate] repro

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Sep 27 14:08:58 CDT 2013

On 26/09/13 13:28, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> On 25/09/13 23:42, Scott Godin wrote:
>> I fixed it for windows - but we've seen two complaints about the linux
>> build already.  It's a header file only project, can we not just have
>> an option to use what is in the contrib folder for linux if there is
>> no package installed so that we aren't blocking linux users from
>> building repro?
> Linux users can use any of the contrib items if they wish
> They simply have to add them to CPPFLAGS and/or LDFLAGS
> Given that cajun is a header library, no need for LDFLAGS, just
>     ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I${RESIP_HOME}/contrib"
> and then something like this works as expected:
>     #include "cajun/json/reader.h"
> The layout is a bit confusing though.  Some projects do it like this:
>       cajun-1.2.3/include/cajun/json/*.h
>       cajun-1.2.3/src/*.c
> and in that case, you would use
>       CPPFLAGS="-I${RESIP_HOME}/contrib/-1.2.3/include"
> and not risk picking up any other headers from contrib.  asio almost
> does that, notice the nested asio directory?  To use it:
>       CPPFLAGS="-I${RESIP_HOME}/contrib/asio"
> and then
>       #include "asio/something.h"
> will actually look for contrib/asio/asio/something.h
> Now that I have cajun on github, I can restructure it the same way and
> then update the copy in contrib

Done - it is now re-arranged upstream and under contrib

Using cajun on Linux (or other Unix-like platforms) without the packages
is now


and not the CPPFLAGS example presented in the earlier email

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