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Re: [reSIProcate-users] question about ip address

Also - it is possible to run repro behind a NAT, but you need to manually set the Record-Route headers to use the public IP.


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 21/01/14 22:59, Scott Godin wrote:
> 2 public IP Addresses are only required for legacy STUN support.  If your
> clients require this for NAT mode discovery then you will need both
> addresses.  If you clients support ICE then it shouldn't be needed as they
> will be using the newer STUN/TURN protocol.
> You can use the servers behind a router, but they shouldn't be NAT'd.

You can potentially run reTurn on the router

I built it successfully on OpenWRT

So if you only have a real IP address on the router, you can run it on
the router.

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