[reSIProcate] SipStack shutdown crash
Daniel Pocock
daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Thu Sep 7 10:05:22 CDT 2006
I've been evaluating some reSIProcate based code on the Windows platform.
When I delete the SipStack object (after DUM is shutdown and deleted
properly), the Ares code complains about an invalid pointer. This
always happens at the same place.
Note that this only seems to occur with the release version and not the
debug build.
Does anyone have any ideas?
>> ntdll.dll!7c96c943()
>> ntdll.dll!7c96cd80()
>> ntdll.dll!7c960af8()
>> ntdll.dll!7c960bcc()
>> kernel32.dll!7c85e9cf()
>> msvcr71d.dll!_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void *
>>pUserData=0x007b5e30) Line 1807 C
>> msvcr71d.dll!_free_dbg_lk(void * pUserData=0x007b5e30, int
>>nBlockUse=0x00000001) Line 1132 + 0x9 C
>> msvcr71d.dll!_free_dbg(void * pUserData=0x007b5e30, int
>>nBlockUse=0x00000001) Line 1070 + 0xd C
>> msvcr71d.dll!free(void * pUserData=0x007b5e30) Line 1025 + 0xb
>> gencc_sip.dll!_ares_destroy_internal() + 0x69 C
>> gencc_sip.dll!_ares_destroy_suppress_callbacks() + 0xc C
>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::AresDns::~AresDns() Line 114 + 0xf
>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::AresDns::`scalar deleting destructor'() +
>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::DnsStub::~DnsStub() Line 76
>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::DnsStub::`vector deleting destructor'() +
>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::SipStack::~SipStack() + 0x98 C++
>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::SipStack::`scalar deleting destructor'() +
>>0x8 C++
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