[reSIProcate] 1.0 RC3

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Sep 7 08:45:12 CDT 2006

	Since we have found a couple of major bugs in the stack (see  
DnsUtil::canonicalizeIpV6Address() asserts and [reSIProcate] bug in  
SipFrag.cxx), I think we should move to a new release candidate.  
Before doing this, I would like to have a fix for the bug in SipFrag  
(the problem in DnsUtil has already been addressed). I am going to  
have no time to devote to this fix, so I need someone to step up to  
the plate. Hopefully, we will not see any more show-stoppers, and  
will be able to release from RC3. Also, for those who have not gone  
through their commits and sent a rundown of what you have done,  
please do so. You can summarize your own work in a fraction of the  
time it takes someone else to.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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