[reSIProcate] SipStack shutdown crash
Daniel Pocock
daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Thu Sep 7 10:59:21 CDT 2006
Daniel Pocock wrote:
>I've been evaluating some reSIProcate based code on the Windows platform.
>When I delete the SipStack object (after DUM is shutdown and deleted
>properly), the Ares code complains about an invalid pointer. This
>always happens at the same place.
>Note that this only seems to occur with the release version and not the
>debug build.
I notice in the more recent ares code that they initialise all the
pointers to NULL at init time:
but the version of ares in reSIProcate doesn't have those changes.
>Does anyone have any ideas?
> ntdll.dll!7c901230()
>>> ntdll.dll!7c96c943()
>>> ntdll.dll!7c96cd80()
>>> ntdll.dll!7c960af8()
>>> ntdll.dll!7c960bcc()
>>> kernel32.dll!7c85e9cf()
>>> msvcr71d.dll!_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void *
>>>pUserData=0x007b5e30) Line 1807 C
>>> msvcr71d.dll!_free_dbg_lk(void * pUserData=0x007b5e30, int
>>>nBlockUse=0x00000001) Line 1132 + 0x9 C
>>> msvcr71d.dll!_free_dbg(void * pUserData=0x007b5e30, int
>>>nBlockUse=0x00000001) Line 1070 + 0xd C
>>> msvcr71d.dll!free(void * pUserData=0x007b5e30) Line 1025 + 0xb
>>> gencc_sip.dll!_ares_destroy_internal() + 0x69 C
>>> gencc_sip.dll!_ares_destroy_suppress_callbacks() + 0xc C
>>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::AresDns::~AresDns() Line 114 + 0xf
>>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::AresDns::`scalar deleting destructor'() +
>>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::DnsStub::~DnsStub() Line 76
>>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::DnsStub::`vector deleting destructor'() +
>>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::SipStack::~SipStack() + 0x98 C++
>>> gencc_sip.dll!resip::SipStack::`scalar deleting destructor'() +
>>>0x8 C++
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