[reSIProcate] Trying to create a registrar

Oren Shochat orens at emblaze-vcon.com
Mon Jul 17 12:52:07 CDT 2006

I'm really new to Sip and Resiprocate, so please have patient.

I'm using Dum for creating a Registrar. This is my first attempt with Dum and I can't make head nor tail of it. There is no real documentation save a few lines in Wikipedia.
I'm looking at the repro code for samples. 

1. Can anyone point me to better documentation that explains the functionality of the resip:: classes and the dynamic between the dum class and the other classes its using? Maybe a clearer code that shows how to write a proxy with some samples? 

2. I've created a stack, initiated the transport, added a DialogUsageManager. I have used the the ServerRegistration Abstract class to create a registrar obj. Whenever Windows Messenger sends Registration, the stack sends immediately 405 (not allowed - seen in ethereal). Any Idea why this happens?

3. Does the ServerRegistration Abstract class can serve for Proxy answering Registration or is it made only for implementation of UAC?

Oren Shochat

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