[reSIProcate] Information regarding 3pcc call

Ilia Krustev ilia at webmessenger.bg
Tue Jul 18 12:19:52 CDT 2006

Hi Aadilkhan,

I managed to do 3pcc with the svn head revision. I had some minor 
compilation problems - which I cannot remember exactly.
Then I had some problem because the gperf tool needed for the build was 
missing on my system.

There is 3cpp example: resip/dum/test/test3pcc.cxx, but is incomplete on 
my opinion.

I'm attaching a rough variant with wich I managed to do 3cpp call.
I'm really cannot test it right now, hopefully it is left in working 
state. If you have problem with it, tell me and I'll find some time to 
check it.
My project on 3cpp is on hold at this moment so I have no progress 
besides the one in this file.
Hope this will help you.


Kind regards,

Aadilkhan Maniyar wrote:
> Hi  Illia,
> I am trying the very same thing in 3PCC call as you have mentioned in 
> your post. And I am facing the very same problems regarding sending 
> the Initial INVITE without any SDP.
> What I am interested in knowing is that are you able to send the 
> INVITE without SDP using the svn head version now.
> Also did you face any problems while compiling the SVN version.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Aadil
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