[reSIProcate] Trying to create a registrar
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Mon Jul 17 11:57:55 CDT 2006
Comments inline, proceeded by [Scott] ...
-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Oren
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 1:52 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Trying to create a registrar
I'm really new to Sip and Resiprocate, so please have patient.
I'm using Dum for creating a Registrar. This is my first attempt with
Dum and I can't make head nor tail of it. There is no real documentation
save a few lines in Wikipedia.
I'm looking at the repro code for samples.
1. Can anyone point me to better documentation that explains the
functionality of the resip:: classes and the dynamic between the dum
class and the other classes its using? Maybe a clearer code that shows
how to write a proxy with some samples?
[Scott] You are right the documentation is currently pretty sparse.
Examining the repro proxy is your best bet.
2. I've created a stack, initiated the transport, added a
DialogUsageManager. I have used the the ServerRegistration Abstract
class to create a registrar obj. Whenever Windows Messenger sends
Registration, the stack sends immediately 405 (not allowed - seen in
ethereal). Any Idea why this happens?
[Scott] You have to configure your Profile to be able to accept REGISTER
requests (MasterProfile::addSupportedMethod()). The best way to debug
this is to step through the DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess
3. Does the ServerRegistration Abstract class can serve for Proxy
answering Registration or is it made only for implementation of UAC?
[Scott] Yes it can be used by a server implementing registration. See
repro for a sample use.
Oren Shochat
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