[ReSIProcate] CANCEL non-dialog by appDialogSet->end()
Meir Elberg
elbergm at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 08:28:49 CST 2006
I'm trying to cancel invite request after receiving 180 provisional response
without a contact (i.e. no dialog was yet created).
I see in the stack traces that cancel request is prepared but not sent since
there is no matching transaction for the sip cancel request.
Dum sends the cancel request when i call to appDialogSet->end().
Please help...
Elberg Meir.
Here are the traces:
22DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1655 | Looking for dialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 in map:
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1656 | [
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:763 | SEND: CANCEL sip:210 at ser.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/ ;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-86c77d05e64ef117-1--d87543-;rport
To: <sip:210 at ser.com>
From: "0540000100"<sip:mso100 at ser.com>;tag=ba630567
Call-ID: f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu
Content-Length: 0
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1655 | Looking for dialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 in map:
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1656 | [
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogId.cxx:50 | DialogId::DialogId:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567-
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1655 | Looking for dialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 in map:
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1656 | [
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogSet.cxx:715 | findDialog:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567- in []
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:871 | Using outbound proxy:
sip:210 at;user=phone;transport=udp
-> SipReq: CANCEL 210 at ser.com tid=86c77d05e64ef117 cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(tu)
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogSet.cxx:118 | ********** DialogSet::~DialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567*************
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1693 | ************* Removing DialogSet
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1694 | Before: [
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1696 | After: [
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
STACK | 20060103-162215.994 | | | RESIP:TEST | 0 | 3055401904 |
Handled.cxx:23 | &&&&&& ~Handled 4this(0x9bb939c) 0x9ba8f98
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
InviteSession.cxx:74 | ^^^ InviteSession::~InviteSession 0x9bc3a88
STACK | 20060103-162215.994 | | | RESIP:TEST | 0 | 3055401904 |
Handled.cxx:23 | &&&&&& ~Handled 3this(0x9bc3a88) 0x9ba8f98
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 | Dialog.cxx:211
| Dialog::~Dialog()
STACK | 20060103-162215.994 | | | RESIP:TEST | 0 | 3055401904 |
Handled.cxx:23 | &&&&&& ~Handled 2this(0x9bbb080) 0x9ba8f98
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogSet.cxx:118 | ********** DialogSet::~DialogSet:
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at*************
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1693 | ************* Removing DialogSet
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.995 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1694 | Before: [
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.995 | | | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1696 | After: []
DEBUG | 20060103-162216.010 | | | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0 | 3065891760 |
Transport.cxx:161 | Adding message to tx buffer to: [ V4 target domain=unspecified received on: Transport:
[ V4 UDP target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ] connectionId=0 ]
STACK | 20060103-162216.010 | | | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 0 | 3065891760 |
TransactionState.cxx:196 | No matching transaction for SipReq: CANCEL
210 at ser.com tid=86c77d05e64ef117 cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(tu)
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