[reSIProcate] shutdown stack and DUM.

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Sun Jan 8 02:07:08 CST 2006

Scott Godin wrote:

>You should wait until the dum shutdown handler is called before shutting
>down the stack thread.  This will require you to end all active invite
>sessions, registrations, etc first.
Could this be MY problem as well...  because my sip stack crashes after 
request.  I didn't know I had to have a shutdown handler.  If so,  when 
do I create it,
and how do I use it?   Obviously,  it's not mentioned anywhere in the 
WIKI.  So how
can I be expected to know this?

I don't see it's used in any of the "test" code...  If it is,  could 
someone point me to
which one it is?


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