[ReSIProcate] CANCEL non-dialog by appDialogSet->end()

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Tue Jan 3 08:36:03 CST 2006

The stack is complaining the tid in the cancel does not match the
invite.  The trace doesn't show the tid used in the invite, so it's hard
to confirm this.  


One thing to check out in your application:





From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Meir
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:29 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [ReSIProcate] CANCEL non-dialog by appDialogSet->end()



I'm trying to cancel invite request after receiving 180 provisional
response without a contact (i.e. no dialog was yet created).
I see in the stack traces that cancel request is prepared but not sent
since there is no matching transaction for the sip cancel request.

Dum sends the cancel request when i call to appDialogSet->end().

Please help...

Elberg Meir.

Here are the traces:

22DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1655 | Looking for dialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 in map:
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1656 |
[f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:763 | SEND: CANCEL sip:210 at ser.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/ ;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-86c77d05e64ef117-1--d87543-;rport
To: <sip:210 at ser.com>
From: "0540000100"<sip:mso100 at ser.com>;tag=ba630567
Call-ID: f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu
Content-Length: 0

DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1655 | Looking for dialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 in map:
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.991 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1656 |
[f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogId.cxx:50 | DialogId::DialogId:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567-
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1655 | Looking for dialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 in map:
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1656 |
[f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogSet.cxx:715 | findDialog:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567- in []
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.992 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:871 | Using outbound proxy:
sip:210 at;user=phone;transport=udp -> SipReq:  CANCEL
210 at ser.com tid=86c77d05e64ef117 cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(tu)
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogSet.cxx:118 |  ********** DialogSet::~DialogSet:
f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567*************
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1693 | ************* Removing DialogSet
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1694 | Before:
[f5e91b0da6c3b349 at bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu-ba630567 -> 0x9bcfe18,
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.993 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1696 | After:
[00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
STACK | 20060103-162215.994 |  |  | RESIP:TEST | 0 | 3055401904 |
Handled.cxx:23 | &&&&&& ~Handled 4this(0x9bb939c) 0x9ba8f98
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
InviteSession.cxx:74 | ^^^ InviteSession::~InviteSession 0x9bc3a88
STACK | 20060103-162215.994 |  |  | RESIP:TEST | 0 | 3055401904 |
Handled.cxx:23 | &&&&&& ~Handled 3this(0x9bc3a88) 0x9ba8f98
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
Dialog.cxx:211 | Dialog::~Dialog() 
STACK | 20060103-162215.994 |  |  | RESIP:TEST | 0 | 3055401904 |
Handled.cxx:23 | &&&&&& ~Handled 2this(0x9bbb080) 0x9ba8f98
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogSet.cxx:118 |  ********** DialogSet::~DialogSet:
00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at*************
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.994 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1693 | ************* Removing DialogSet
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.995 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1694 | Before:
[00115c43-0b420056-77806688-21bbb11c at -> 0x9bc17f8]
DEBUG | 20060103-162215.995 |  |  | RESIP:DUM | 0 | 3055401904 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1696 | After: []
DEBUG | 20060103-162216.010 |  |  | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0 | 3065891760 |
Transport.cxx:161 | Adding message to tx buffer to: [ V4 UDP target domain=unspecified received on: Transport:
[ V4 UDP target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]
connectionId=0 ]
STACK | 20060103-162216.010 |  |  | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 0 | 3065891760 |
TransactionState.cxx:196 | No matching transaction for SipReq:  CANCEL
210 at ser.com tid=86c77d05e64ef117 cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(tu)

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