[reSIProcate] sdp bug + why mCurrentLocalSdp, mProposedLocalSdp, mCurrentRemoteSdp and mProposedRemoteSdp

Micky Kaufmann micky at proxy.co.il
Sun Sep 25 05:29:08 CDT 2005



First of all I'm pretty sure there's a bug in
ServerInviteSession::sendProvisional :




         if (mCurrentLocalSdp.get()) // early media


            setSdp(m1xx, mProposedLocalSdp.get());






The variable checked in the if clause isn't the one sent to setSdp!!!


I think mCurrentLocalSdp is the correct variable to send to setSdp.

However, I don't completely understand the idea behind 'Current' and
'Proposed' in mCurrentLocalSdp, mProposedLocalSdp, mCurrentRemoteSdp and
mProposedRemoteSdp variables.

Is 'Proposed' always an offer and 'Current' always an answer? (In the
case of offer/answer)



Micky Kaufmann 


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