[reSIProcate] Softclient Development

Colin Bell cpb-mailers at tklogic.net
Sat Sep 24 18:36:15 CDT 2005

Hi all,

I was thinking of starting work on an OPAL / reSIProcate merger but I've 
since started thinking that maybe a SCAPL is in order... let's put all 
the pieces together and build a completely cross-platform softclient 
abstraction layer.

Soft-Client Abstraction Layer ... I'm thinking make a clean top end 
layer with a reference implementation focused (initially) on SIP and 
full media support.  I think this might be done by trying to harness SIP 
Foundry's capabilities and maybe RealPlayer's Media stack.  I've long 
contemplated how we can simplify the creation of rich soft-clients.

I foresee a cross platform set of currently existent libraries combined 
to build a media capable SIP stack with a variety of surrounding libs to 
simplify UA construction.

Media Stack - Gnome, RealPlayer
SIP Stack   - reSiprocate
Network     - GNET
Misc	    - glib

This would provide a starting point for people trying to write right 
UA's.  Ady ideas?   Comments

| Colin Bell <cpb at tklogic.net> |
|   http://cpb.tklogic.net     |
| http://www.techknowlogic.net |
| Colin Bell <cpb at tklogic.net> |
|   http://cpb.tklogic.net     |
| http://www.techknowlogic.net |

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