[reSIProcate] InviteSession::isEarly bug

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Sat Sep 24 20:28:36 CDT 2005

Hi Jason,

Assuming the definition of "Early" is from first dialog creating 1xx (sent
or received, depending on UAS or UAC side) until final response.

I think you are missing the following states:
UAC_SentAnswer - after sending PRACK answer - still waiting for 200
UAS_EarlyProvidedOffer - this is after 1xx is sent
UAS_FirstSentOfferReliable - this is after 1xx is sent

Also the following should likely be removed:
UAC_SentUpdateConnected - this is after receiving a 200I
UAC_Start - this is before receiving a 1xx
UAS_Start - this is before sending a 1xx
UAS_Offer - this is before sending a 1xx
UAS_OfferProvidedAnswer - this is before sending a 1xx


-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 7:09 PM
To: resiprocate
Subject: [reSIProcate] InviteSession::isEarly bug

Hi all,

Can folks take a look at InviteSession::isEarly and review it to see
if we've got all of the states identified correctly.

InviteSession::isEarly() const
   switch (mState)
      case UAC_Start:
      case UAC_Early:
      case UAC_EarlyWithOffer:
      case UAC_EarlyWithAnswer:

         //case UAC_Answered:
         //case UAC_Terminated:
      case UAC_SentUpdateEarly:
      case UAC_SentUpdateConnected:
      case UAC_ReceivedUpdateEarly:
         //case UAC_SentAnswer:
      case UAC_QueuedUpdate:

      case UAS_Start:
      case UAS_Offer:
      case UAS_OfferProvidedAnswer:
      case UAS_EarlyOffer:
      case UAS_EarlyProvidedAnswer:
      case UAS_EarlyNoOffer:
      case UAS_FirstEarlyReliable:
      case UAS_EarlyReliable:
         return true;

         return false;

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