[reSIProcate] build resiprocate on windows

andy andrea at csp.it
Wed Dec 29 12:08:21 CST 2004

Hi all,

I'm trying to build latest svn version with vs.net 2003, in particular

First of all I've a problem building resiprocate stack. I've found an error in
Security.cxx and I solved it changing row 114 (from #if 0 to #if 1.... but I
think #fidef WIN32 can work!)

Then I've a question about DTLS; I've seen that you've had dtls directory into
svn. Can I also use an external copy of openssl? I've also tried to build it on
vs.net 2003 with "USE_DTLS" but I found several error...  are you working mainly
on linux/unix platform, isn't it? I'll try it soon also on linux, but ath the
moment, I need a working stack for windows.

thanks & regards


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