[reSIProcate] Timed out dialogs are never destroyed

Dmitry Semyonov dsemyonov at dins.ru
Thu Dec 23 08:53:48 CST 2004


My reSIProcate based application makes a call to SIP UAS.
SIP UAS sends 100, then 101 responses, and after that the connection 
is broken. I see that in this case the dialog is never destroyed, 
although TimerB fires in time.


         case Timer::TimerB:
            if (mState == Calling)
               sendToTU(Helper::makeResponse(*mMsgToRetransmit, 408));
               delete this;
            delete msg;

inside TransactionState::processClientInvite() be updated to terminate 
the transaction in Trying and Proceeding states as well?


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