[reSIProcate] build resiprocate on windows

Cullen Jennings fluffy at cisco.com
Wed Dec 29 17:13:33 CST 2004

On 12/29/04 11:08 AM, "andy" <andrea at csp.it> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to build latest svn version with vs.net 2003, in particular
> release+ssl.
> First of all I've a problem building resiprocate stack. I've found an error in
> Security.cxx and I solved it changing row 114 (from #if 0 to #if 1.... but I
> think #fidef WIN32 can work!)

I think there might still be a bug in the FileSystem::Directory::iterator

This code got #if 0 out as a last minute hack to revert to some old code but
we really should get the FileSystem::Directory::iterator working in both
windows and unix. 

> Then I've a question about DTLS; I've seen that you've had dtls directory into
> svn. Can I also use an external copy of openssl?

DTLS is not in the main openssl releases yet so you need the private copy if
you want  to use DTLS but you can use normal versions of openssl if you turn
off the USE_DTLS. If you turn off USE_OPENSSL you should get a stack that
works but does not have TLS or S/MIME.

> I've also tried to build it
> on
> vs.net 2003 with "USE_DTLS" but I found several error...  are you working
> mainly
> on linux/unix platform, isn't it?

yes - so far I think people have only got it working on Mac and Linux.

> I'll try it soon also on linux, but ath the
> moment, I need a working stack for windows.
> thanks & regards
> andrea
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