[reSIProcate] Re: [Osip] SIP STACK!!

Aymeric Moizard jack at atosc.org
Mon Dec 6 10:07:19 CST 2004

For osip2 & eXosip:

osip2 will allow you to do evrything you want, but it's
only a low layer sip stack and good understanding of the
rfc and much work will be needed.

eXosip is a toy to quickly build a UA. While it's user-freindly
for non-sip guy, it will not be as extensible as you can expect...

osip2 is 4years old and quite widely deployed: very stable & compliant.

No information on resiprocate, sorry.

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 marco.aguilar at javeriana.edu.co wrote:

> Hello:
> I've been reading THE SIP IMPLEMENTORS list for the past few weeks and
> been researching
> on SIP (RFC3261) and RTP (RFC3550), because I'm working on building a
> SIP soft phone, on Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, either on Windows 2000
> Professional and/or Windows XP. It is for this reason and after
> checking this site and others they recommended:
> http://www.pernau.at/kd/voip/bookmarks-sip-rtp-ua.html
> and after deciding to use "jrtplib: A  C++ RTP stack"
> I'm deciding to choose one library from these, specially between the
> last 5,6 and 7.
> Is it easy to integrate jrtplib whith any of those or it is better to
> use their on RTP libraries.?
> I Hope it's not too much to ask, I appreciate all commets.
> 6)RFC 3261 C++ SIP Stack _________   reSIProcate Open Source Project
> 7)oSIP stack  _________    Aymeric MOIZARD
> GNU eXosip , differences with oSIP, oSIP2??
> eXosip will not run on any of the W32 platforms. ??
> ¿¿¿ The reSiprocate stack is also very good, its tricky C++
> constructions didn't compile on VS6.0 however????
> ¿¿The resip DUM layer is, but i'm not sure, something that helps you
> build your UA layer much faster.??
> I'm going to definitively use  jrtplib and changing the code to make it
> symmetric...
> And concerning the SIP stack, i want to choose between Resiprocate and
> Osip.
> Because this statement got me thinking about Osip
> "The problem is that if you design a UA application, you
> have to write your own eXosip like UA layer since
> eXosip is GPL licensed, oSIP itself is LGPL licensed.
> Otherwise, I recommend you to use resiprocate.
> resiprocate provides a DUM layer which is targeted to
> UA application, very easy to use."
> What's the DUM layer.... is it going to take me longer to develop the
> UA pplication with Osip because of this??.
> My ptoyect it's acctually simpler than it seems (a SIP phone only for a
> LAN, that's it!, I dont have to address the entire RFC, so im needing a
> STACK that makes it the faster and easier to develop... besides I will
> have a an option at the end of the call that shows he entire signaling
> that took place(it will be brief because the call was done on a LAN))
> I appreciate your help!
> I Hope it's not too much to ask, I appreciate all commets.
> Best Regards.
> Marco Aguilar
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