[reSIProcate] SIP STACK!!

marco.aguilar at javeriana.edu.co marco.aguilar at javeriana.edu.co
Mon Dec 6 09:19:08 CST 2004


I've been reading THE SIP IMPLEMENTORS list for the past few weeks and
been researching
on SIP (RFC3261) and RTP (RFC3550), because I'm working on building a
SIP soft phone, on Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, either on Windows 2000
Professional and/or Windows XP. It is for this reason and after
checking this site and others they recommended:
and after deciding to use "jrtplib: A  C++ RTP stack"

I'm deciding to choose one library from these, specially between the
last 5,6 and 7.
Is it easy to integrate jrtplib whith any of those or it is better to
use their on RTP libraries.?

I Hope it's not too much to ask, I appreciate all commets.

6)RFC 3261 C++ SIP Stack _________   reSIProcate Open Source Project

7)oSIP stack  _________    Aymeric MOIZARD  
GNU eXosip , differences with oSIP, oSIP2??

eXosip will not run on any of the W32 platforms. ??

¿¿¿ The reSiprocate stack is also very good, its tricky C++
constructions didn't compile on VS6.0 however????

¿¿The resip DUM layer is, but i'm not sure, something that helps you
build your UA layer much faster.??

I'm going to definitively use  jrtplib and changing the code to make it
And concerning the SIP stack, i want to choose between Resiprocate and
Because this statement got me thinking about Osip

"The problem is that if you design a UA application, you
have to write your own eXosip like UA layer since
eXosip is GPL licensed, oSIP itself is LGPL licensed.
Otherwise, I recommend you to use resiprocate.
resiprocate provides a DUM layer which is targeted to
UA application, very easy to use."

What's the DUM layer.... is it going to take me longer to develop the
UA pplication with Osip because of this??.

My ptoyect it's acctually simpler than it seems (a SIP phone only for a
LAN, that's it!, I dont have to address the entire RFC, so im needing a
STACK that makes it the faster and easier to develop... besides I will
have a an option at the end of the call that shows he entire signaling
that took place(it will be brief because the call was done on a LAN))

I appreciate your help!
I Hope it's not too much to ask, I appreciate all commets.

Best Regards.

Marco Aguilar

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