[reSIProcate] Question on Subscription Handlers and authentication

Elizabeth Clark elizabeth.clark at bridgewatersystems.com
Thu Dec 2 15:25:36 CST 2004

I working my way through understanding the client and server subscription
handlers and I noticed that no dispatch seems to happen when a 200 OK
response is received following a SUBSCRIBE or NOTIFY. I'm wondering if this
is intentional or would it make sense to provide this capability.
I was also trying to see if Digest authentication was supported as per RFC
3261. I noticed there is a ServerAuthManager class but it doesn't see to be
fully implemented. Is there any activity happening with authentication?
Thanks a lot.


Elizabeth Clark                                 
Bridgewater Systems Corporation                
Phone :  (613) 591-9104 x2776
E-mail :  <mailto:elizabeth at bridgewatersystems.com>
mailto:elizabeth at bridgewatersystems.com


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