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Re: [reSIProcate-users] Auto-assigned IP Address

>Is there a way to have the SIP stack automatically assign an IP address for a given transport?


I’ll assume you meant port (not IP address) in the above question.  You currently cannot pass a 0.  If I remember correctly there was still some work to do to get OS selected port assignment to work correctly – although I can’t remember what offhand.




From: resiprocate-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:resiprocate-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Melton
Sent: October 17, 2007 5:02 PM
To: resiprocateusers
Subject: [reSIProcate-users] Auto-assigned IP Address


Is there a way to have the SIP stack automatically assign an IP address for a given transport?  In particular, I'm using the UDP transport.  I see the addTransport function has an

assert( port > 0).


Passing in 0 to the addTransport will allow the OS (Windows in this case) to automatically assign a port number, however the port number is not set up correctly in all outbound SIP messages.




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