Re: [reSIProcate] Packaging for Debian
A quick summary:
Name Copyright Licence
---- --------- -------
sipdial Daniel Pocock none
Could someone elaborate on this for me - when I contribute source files
and/or patches to reSIProcate, I assume I retain copyright in those. Is
there any intention to pool the IP rights into any single organisation,
or for everyone to simply retain copyright in their contributions?
I will add the Vovida license info to sipdial.
repro Vovida Networks, Inc VSL, 1.0 No
stack Vovida Networks, Inc VSL, 1.0 No
rutil Vovida Networks, Inc VSL, 1.0 No
tfm PurpleComm, Inc BSD 3-clause
build-system Unknown none
In summary: sipdial and the build system need a licence, or they're not
distributable. If the copyright of the others could also be checked,
that'd be great :)
2) Embedded code copies
Are these standard, or have any patches been applied?
contrib/db, contrib/getopt, contrib/pcre and contrib/popt don't seem to
be used at all, and can probably be removed.
I think some of these are for other platforms.