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[reSIProcate] Packaging for Debian

Hi all,

After spending quite a bit of time with Daniel Pocock this past weekend
at FOSDEM, I've been convinced to package the reSIProcate suite for

Now, there's a couple of issues that remain before I can upload it, and
I was hoping you'd be able to help :)

1) Licences and copyright.

It seems that the source for resiprocate contains multiple projects,
under potentially different licences, and by different copyright
holders.  Quite a bit of this is ok, but some have issues.

A quick summary:

Name                    Copyright                               Licence         
----                    ---------                               -------         
sipdial                 Daniel Pocock                   none                    
repro                   Vovida Networks, Inc    VSL, 1.0                No
stack                   Vovida Networks, Inc    VSL, 1.0                No
rutil                   Vovida Networks, Inc    VSL, 1.0                No
tfm                             PurpleComm, Inc                 BSD 3-clause    
build-system    Unknown                                 none                    

In summary: sipdial and the build system need a licence, or they're not
distributable. If the copyright of the others could also be checked,
that'd be great :)

2) Embedded code copies

tfm and rutil seem to both rely on copies of other libraries shipped
with resiprocate, cppunit and ares respectively.

This causes us (Debian) some major headaches when it comes to providing
security support should a hole be found in one of these packages. I had
a minor heart attack when I saw pcre included, but it doesn't seem to
need it to build.

Removing the -I line from tfm builds it against the Debian version
properly, so that isn't an issue.

With rutil/ares, it seems it doesn't properly install the header files
making rutil fail to build from source without the included files. A bug
(http://bugs.debian.org/412515) has been filed, and so hopefully this
should be fixed shortly.

3) Other (minor) issues which could be fixed, but aren't show stoppers are:

tfm seems to have a compile option of -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_33,
which isn't present. This, fortunately doesn't cause a problem, but
possibly shoudn't be there.

contrib/db, contrib/getopt, contrib/pcre and contrib/popt don't seem to
be used at all, and can probably be removed.

That's about it for now, I'll continue to try and get these built, but
it's non-trivial as the source package is building multiple binaries,
headers and libraries, so it may take some time :)

Many thanks,
A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?
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