[reSIProcate] librecon: calling loadAllDynCodecs

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Fri Apr 16 09:40:52 CDT 2021

Hi Daniel,

Sorry, I should have discussed this with you first.  The log message was
misleading and indicated all that was tried was statically linked codecs
(your new one above looks much better, and is not linux specific).  Since
the sipX code IS calling loadAllDynCodecs, it didn't seem that it *should*
be necessary for the recon code to call it as well.  I did notice the
difference in filters, but the filter list for linux looked sane to me.
Seems like a fix really belongs in the sipX code base, so we don't need
this work around in the recon code.  Loading without a filter could be
dangerous - what if there is a 2 gb log file in the directory that tries to
load as a library?


On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 9:53 AM Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.pro> wrote:

> I notice a recent commit removed the call to loadAllDynCodecs
> It seems this really is needed on Linux, I'll put it back with some
> comments
> Below is an example of what happens when it is invoked with directory =
> NULL and filter = ""
> I'm not sure if the sipX problem is in the default filter string or in
> the way the comparisons are being made.  The regex looks correct in
> MpCodecFactory.h:
> #  define CODEC_PLUGINS_FILTER "^codec_.*\\.so$"
> pCodecFactory->loadAllDynCodecs(NULL, "");
> ConversationManager.cxx:104 | No statically linked codecs or no codecs
> found with default filter, trying without a filter
> SipXHelper.cxx:41 | SIPxua:Anon:3FFFF44F5010:
> MpCodecFactory::loadAllDynCodecs("/usr/lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/sipxtapi/codecs",
> "")
> SIPxua:Anon:3FFFF44F5010:
> MpCodecFactory::loadDynCodec("/usr/lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/sipxtapi/codecs/codec_l16.so")
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