[reSIProcate] librecon: calling loadAllDynCodecs

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Fri Apr 16 08:51:51 CDT 2021

I notice a recent commit removed the call to loadAllDynCodecs

It seems this really is needed on Linux, I'll put it back with some comments

Below is an example of what happens when it is invoked with directory =
NULL and filter = ""

I'm not sure if the sipX problem is in the default filter string or in
the way the comparisons are being made.  The regex looks correct in
#  define CODEC_PLUGINS_FILTER "^codec_.*\\.so$"

pCodecFactory->loadAllDynCodecs(NULL, "");

ConversationManager.cxx:104 | No statically linked codecs or no codecs
found with default filter, trying without a filter

SipXHelper.cxx:41 | SIPxua:Anon:3FFFF44F5010:


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