[reSIProcate] Is there a coding style guidle for the resiprocate?

zhaiqi163 at 163.com zhaiqi163 at 163.com
Fri Jan 8 18:55:31 CST 2021

Thank you very much, Scott.

Best Wishes,


zhaiqi163 at 163.com
From: Scott Godin
Date: 2021-01-09 06:27
To: zhaiqi163 at 163.com
CC: resiprocate-devel
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Is there a coding style guidle for the resiprocate?

There is a small amount of info here:

The best thing is to follow suit with the existing code (for naming and bracketing style, etc.), it is reasonably consistent right now.  :)

Best Regards,


On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 10:29 PM zhaiqi163 at 163.com <zhaiqi163 at 163.com> wrote:
Is there a coding style guidle for the resiprocate?

Could anybody send me the guild or told me where I can find it?

zhaiqi163 at 163.com
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