[reSIProcate] releasing 1.12.0 this week

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Sun Mar 22 17:46:13 CDT 2020

Hi everybody,

With the increasing demand for remote working solutions, I feel it is a
good time to release what we have.

I made up the 1.12.0~beta12 tarball and ZIP files, temporary links are
below.  If anybody has time to test them and provide feedback it would
be very welcome.

I still have to insert the ChangeLog, that is in progress.  Everything
else is just about final.

I already made test builds for Debian, Fedora and RHEL and they seem to
be working.

My plan is to release it quickly, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday and then
make a follow-up release in another week if further problems are found.

It is already running at https://fedrtc.org - you can register for a
Fedora account if you want to try that.  It is also running at







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