[reSIProcate] adding HOMER support?

slgodin at gmail.com slgodin at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 13:18:29 CDT 2016

Hi Daniel,

There is an interface for doing custom SIP message logging that I'm sure you could take advantage of.  Check out ReproSipMessageLoggingHandler in ReproRunner.cxx and SipStack::setTransportSipMessageLoggingHandler


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 16, 2016, at 1:50 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.pro> wrote:
> There has been discussion[1] on the HOMER[2] mailing list about adding
> HOMER support to reSIProcate and repro
> HOMER has GPL and AGPL license terms, but they will potentially let the
> HEP library[3] (for submitting data to HOMER) be available on terms
> compatible with the reSIProcate license.  If that doesn't happen, then
> it can still be included as an optional component.
> From a technical perspective, there is a question about just where we
> insert the code for HOMER.  For example:
> a) for incoming messages, do we take a raw UDP datagram and immediately
> copy it to HOMER?  This approach doesn't work for stream-oriented
> connections because we need to peek at the headers to determine the size
> of the body before potentially doing anything with it.
> b) for outgoing messages, do we send it to HOMER before it hits the wire
> or after?
> c) should we send copies of messages to HOMER when they are in some
> intermediate state?
> Regards,
> Daniel
> 1. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/homer-discuss/DMTMSPqtztM
> 2. http://sipcapture.org/
> 3. https://github.com/sipcapture/hep-c
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