[reSIProcate] adding HOMER support?
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.pro
Fri Sep 16 12:50:18 CDT 2016
There has been discussion[1] on the HOMER[2] mailing list about adding
HOMER support to reSIProcate and repro
HOMER has GPL and AGPL license terms, but they will potentially let the
HEP library[3] (for submitting data to HOMER) be available on terms
compatible with the reSIProcate license. If that doesn't happen, then
it can still be included as an optional component.
>From a technical perspective, there is a question about just where we
insert the code for HOMER. For example:
a) for incoming messages, do we take a raw UDP datagram and immediately
copy it to HOMER? This approach doesn't work for stream-oriented
connections because we need to peek at the headers to determine the size
of the body before potentially doing anything with it.
b) for outgoing messages, do we send it to HOMER before it hits the wire
or after?
c) should we send copies of messages to HOMER when they are in some
intermediate state?
1. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/homer-discuss/DMTMSPqtztM
2. http://sipcapture.org/
3. https://github.com/sipcapture/hep-c
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