[reSIProcate] NOTIFY message repro server

Mateus Bellomo mateusbellomo at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 21:14:50 CDT 2016


I'm testing the test.sip5060 sip server and it appears that it is not
sending the NOTIFY messages.

I have one client logged in at telepathy-resiprocate Empathy with
mateus1 at test.sip5060.net account and the other one logged in at Jitsi with
mateus2 at test.sip5060.net account.

Looking to the repro server log [1] it seems that the NOTIFY message is
being generated but I couldn't see the message getting at
telepathy-resiprocate client.

I also have looked at repro proxy publications menu and saw that the
publications appears correctly. Maybe is something when sending the

Anyone knows what could be happening here, or point it out some parameter
that I could be using wrong?

Thanks in advance.

[1] http://paste.debian.net/785695/
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