[reSIProcate] publishing and notifying

Mateus Bellomo mateusbellomo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 23:51:55 CDT 2016


I have implemented methods to generate a PUBLISH message and to analyze a
NOTIFY message at telepathy-resiprocate. To test I was using two ekiga
accounts and logging in with Jitsi in one machine and telepathy-resiprocate
Empathy in another machine.

Then I could see the NOTIFY messages being received by both clients and I
could see the presence changing at both Empathy and Jitsi. But suddenly my
ekiga account stop working and I had to create another account, this time
at sip.antisip server.

But the problem is this server appears not sending the NOTIFY message: I
couldn't see any of those neither in Jitsi log nor telepathy-resiprocate

So I was wondering if this is something to do with the way I'm generating
the PUBLISH messages, more specifically with the pidf+xml. I've tried to
make my pidf+xml like the one generated by Jitsi and also looking at [1]
and [2].

In case you want to see the publicatin I'm generating [3].

Anyone could indicate me a place where I could find some information about
how to create a PUBLISH message, or if there is some servers which actually
don't send NOTIFYs as it should?

Thanks in advance.

[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3863
[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4480#page-7
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