[reSIProcate] [resiprocate/resiprocate] log errno names instead of values (#49)
Udit Raikwar
notifications at github.com
Wed Jun 22 19:29:47 CDT 2016
In Order to solve this bug, I have created one header file **[Errdes.hxx](https://github.com/udit043/resiprocate/blob/master/rutil/Errdes.hxx)** inside rutil directory. It has error messages associated with the error number/code from the following functions :
-> [SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/cgi-bin/manpage?3+errno)
-> [SSL_get_error](https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/ssl/SSL_get_error.html)
-> [X509_verify_cert_error_string](https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/crypto/X509_STORE_CTX_get_error.html)
I have updated all the files(32) that contains numeric log messages. Now these files will call function from [Errdes.hxx](https://github.com/udit043/resiprocate/blob/master/rutil/Errdes.hxx) and will log error message instead of error code.
int e = getErrno();
ErrLog( << "socket error " << e);
At present, logs a numeric error code, e.g.
"socket error 22"
After commit,
ErrLog( << "socket error " << errortostringOS(e) );
It will log error message, e.g.
"socket error EINVAL (Invalid argument) 22"
If error number is negative or unknown error occur then log message will be,
"socket error Unknown error errno"
(e.g. "socket error Unknown error -48")
Total 34 files changed: 32-files updated + 1-header file created + configure.ac file updated for successful build in Travis-CI
For quick view of all the files that i have updated please [visit].(http://paste.debian.net/hidden/11d413da/)
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* log errno names instead of values
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate
* Updated: log errno names instead of values
-- File Changes --
M apps/clicktocall/HttpBase.cxx (9)
M apps/clicktocall/HttpConnection.cxx (9)
M apps/clicktocall/XmlRpcConnection.cxx (7)
M apps/clicktocall/XmlRpcServerBase.cxx (27)
M apps/ichat-gw/MediaRelay.cxx (11)
M configure.ac (3)
M repro/HttpBase.cxx (12)
M repro/HttpConnection.cxx (7)
M repro/RegSyncClient.cxx (17)
M repro/XmlRpcConnection.cxx (5)
M repro/XmlRpcServerBase.cxx (27)
M resip/recon/MOHParkServer/HttpBase.cxx (10)
M resip/stack/ConnectionManager.cxx (5)
M resip/stack/DateCategory.cxx (10)
M resip/stack/GenericPidfContents.cxx (5)
M resip/stack/InternalTransport.cxx (7)
M resip/stack/TcpBaseTransport.cxx (15)
M resip/stack/TcpConnection.cxx (7)
M resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx (9)
M resip/stack/ssl/DtlsTransport.cxx (82)
M resip/stack/ssl/Security.cxx (11)
M resip/stack/ssl/TlsConnection.cxx (31)
M resip/stack/test/Resolver.cxx (11)
M resip/stack/test/Transceiver.cxx (4)
M resip/stack/test/dumpTls.cxx (11)
M resip/stack/test/testSipStackInvite.cxx (4)
M rutil/DnsUtil.cxx (65)
A rutil/Errdes.hxx (331)
M rutil/FdPoll.cxx (20)
M rutil/FileSystem.cxx (4)
M rutil/ServerProcess.cxx (5)
M rutil/Socket.cxx (105)
M tfm/Resolver.cxx (5)
M tfm/TestRtp.cxx (7)
-- Patch Links --
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