[reSIProcate] Need some help in Android.

Rahul Pathak rrpathak007 at gmail.com
Thu May 7 14:25:32 CDT 2015

   I am using *resiprocate* stack on *Android. * I'm struggling with a few
random crashes, especially on low end Android devices. I've listed the main

Main issues:

   1. I get HEAP corruption on low end Android devices like the Samsung
   Galaxy DUOS and HTC One X.
   2. Crash on creating a Master Profile (shared pointer), in
   AcceptOffer and ProvideOffer (I think because of SDP).

I use the same code on iOS and Android. On iOS it works fine, but on
Android it does not. I have been struggling with these issues for weeks now.

Can you kindly help me on this issue or point me in the right direction.
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated


*Rahul Pathak*
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