[reSIProcate] DUM ClientSubscription WaitForNotify timer
p-aladin at yandex.ru
Fri Nov 21 05:26:34 CST 2014
Dear resip devels,
resiprocate 1.9.2
please consider next piece of ClientSubscription.cxx:167
Now rutil/Timer.hxx
// These values can be changed but it is not recommended to do so after a
// stack is up and running since they are not mutexed
// These times are all in ms
static unsigned long T1;
static unsigned long T2;
static unsigned long T4;
static unsigned long T100;
I this place ClientSubscription schedules WaitForNotify timer for ~9
hours instead of 32 seconds. Could you please improve this place?
Sincerely, Taras
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