[reSIProcate] [resiprocate] Resiprocate 1.9 (#10)
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Mon Oct 27 22:24:44 CDT 2014
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-- Commit Summary --
* release: create branch for 1.9 series releases
* rpm: various fixes for RHEL6 builds (backported from main)
* -first cut at ChangeLog
* rpm: using systemd macros (backported from main)
* release: updating ChangeLog
* minor mods
* release: add Highlights to ChangeLog
* release: add more comments about cookies auth
* resip/stack: Fix bug where we would throw an exception if a UAS removed tag params when sending a response.
* rpm: remove CAFile from spec file
* release: update for v1.9.0
* release: update for v1.9.1
* -use threadsafe variant of localtime (localtime_r) on non-windows based platforms
* travis: enable clang builds again
* -fix potential leak removed by Coverity if CommandServer doesn't get created properly
* -changes to make reTurn compatible with ASIO 1.10.1
* -change default configuration so that server key reads from server.pem - so that reTurn will start with
* -small change to make reflow compatible with ASIO 1.10.1
* -fixed up StackStatistics handling for when multiple command servers are running (ie: v4 and v6 CommandServers)
* -fix issue with CommandServerList being deleted when not newed if startup fails due to transport exception
* repro: WebAdmin: catch and log exceptions when starting
* resip: Security: stop trying to write cert files in various places
* -fix RegSyncClient so that it detects breaks in the socket connection to the server - by using keepalives
* -ensure mPollGrp is set before accessing it in AresDnsPollItem::resetPollGrp
* -fix for spinning in DnsThread - thanks to Bjorn Andersson
* -fix coding style
* release: ChangeLog updates missed in v1.9.1
* -fix for Windows DNS Server use. Ignore Link Local DNS Server entries:
* fix issues found by ASan
* release: update for v1.9.2
* release: update ChangeLog for v1.9.2
* resip/stack: handler for the dtmf-relay content type
* travis: build recon in CI
* travis: use libfreeradius-client-dev instead of radiusclient-ng
* travis: add libsrtp-dev, required for recon build
* travis: remove some build flags
* reTurn/client: TurnSocket: fix for sending when not using TURN
* resip/recon: ConversationManager: allow alternate sample rates to be selected
* -added allowed events to 489 errors - thanks to Ionut Slaveanu for this fix
* resip/recon: ConversationManager: specify UserProfile and extension headers when creating new remote participant
* resip/recon: call acceptNIT()/rejectNIT() after handling INFO message
* resip/dum: add some comments and a warning about acceptNIT and rejectNIT for SIP INFO
* release: update for v1.9.3
* release: update ChangeLog for v1.9.3
* reflow, resip/recon: ensure libraries link with sipXtapi libs
* resip/recon: fix for case where DialogSet Profile is not an instance of ConversationProfile
* resip/recon: per-participant tone support
* resip/recon: clarify DTMF API: tones represented by event code, API-user durations in milliseconds
* release: update ChangeLog for v1.9.4
* release: update ChangeLog for v1.9.4
* travis: use trusty instead of saucy, get some packages direct from sid
* resip/recon: avoid changing payload IDs in the default ConversationProfile
* resip/recon: safety checks when using dynamic_cast with ConversationProfile
* resip/recon: do not send DTMF as inband audio, can be troublesome as sipXtapi echoes it back to caller
* resip/recon: SipXHelper: map log entries
* build: include new source files in Windows build system
* release: update for v1.9.5
* release: update ChangeLog for v1.9.5
* resip/recon: check return value of getenv
* resip/recon: ensure testUA links with sipXport
* resip/recon: ensure MOHParkServer links with sipXport
* release: update for v1.9.6
* resip/recon: directly link with the other sipX libs we access
* repro: ensure dl is linked for dlsym
* repro/reprocmd: no need to link directly with RADIUS library
* -when looking for authentication headers to remove don't use mRequestContext.getDigestRealm since it can punt
* resip/recon: use correct Codec constructor
* release: update changelog for 1.9.6
* rutil: syslog: use LOG_PID, avoid sending redundant data in log string.
* -fix a bug with Keepalive processing that causes transaction state leakage and potential traps
* -remove extra sleep definitions
* -remove extra sleep definitions
* -modified asio and boost include file ordering to avoid multiply defined symbol errors on linking
* -additional OpenSSL cleanup fn - reordered functions to match order used in this post:
* Added accessor for TransactionUser FIFO so to obtain stats
* -fix for a use-after-free bug when adding multi-headers to a list that has been copied, and then
* -fix obscure bug in basicClient where if we don't use a threaded stack processing does
* -accept case insensitive log level strings
* -if a v6 address is passed to the GenericIPAddress sockaddr constructor, ensure the entire v6 address
* -enhance command line parsing exceptions with additional details - thanks to John Gregg for initial contribution
* -fix for forced target routing in TransactionState - thanks to John Gregg for this
* resip/stack: TlsConnection: correctly handle OpenSSL error queue after SSL_read
* release: update for v1.9.7
* rpm: Indicate that b2bua package is obsolete
* release: update changelog for 1.9.7
* resip/stack: TlsConnection: check for errors after calling SSL_get_shutdown
* rpm: add definitions for stdint to CXXFLAGS
* resip/stack: TlsConnection: check for errors after calling SSL_pending
* resip/stack: TlsConnection: check for errors after calling SSL_shutdown
-- File Changes --
M .travis.yml (8)
A ChangeLog (369)
M build/travis/configure (5)
M configure.ac (2)
M reTurn/AsyncSocketBase.cxx (1)
M reTurn/AsyncSocketBase.hxx (8)
M reTurn/AsyncTcpSocketBase.hxx (3)
M reTurn/AsyncUdpSocketBase.hxx (3)
M reTurn/ChannelManager.hxx (3)
M reTurn/ReTurnConfig.hxx (3)
M reTurn/RemotePeer.hxx (3)
M reTurn/StunMessage.cxx (17)
M reTurn/StunMessage.hxx (3)
M reTurn/StunTuple.hxx (3)
M reTurn/TcpConnection.hxx (3)
M reTurn/TcpServer.hxx (3)
M reTurn/TurnAllocation.hxx (3)
M reTurn/TurnAllocationManager.hxx (3)
M reTurn/TurnManager.hxx (3)
M reTurn/TurnPermission.hxx (3)
M reTurn/UdpRelayServer.hxx (3)
M reTurn/UdpServer.hxx (3)
M reTurn/client/ErrorCode.hxx (2)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncSocket.cxx (10)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncSocket.hxx (12)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncSocketHandler.hxx (3)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncTcpSocket.cxx (1)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncTcpSocket.hxx (4)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncTlsSocket.cxx (1)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncTlsSocket.hxx (1)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncUdpSocket.cxx (1)
M reTurn/client/TurnAsyncUdpSocket.hxx (4)
M reTurn/client/TurnSocket.cxx (3)
M reTurn/client/TurnSocket.hxx (8)
M reTurn/client/TurnTcpSocket.cxx (1)
M reTurn/client/TurnTcpSocket.hxx (4)
M reTurn/client/TurnTlsSocket.cxx (3)
M reTurn/client/TurnUdpSocket.cxx (1)
M reTurn/client/TurnUdpSocket.hxx (4)
M reTurn/reTurnServer.config (2)
M reTurn/reTurnServer.cxx (3)
M reflow/ErrorCode.hxx (4)
M reflow/Flow.cxx (4)
M reflow/FlowDtlsSocketContext.cxx (9)
M reflow/FlowDtlsSocketContext.hxx (3)
M reflow/FlowDtlsTimerContext.hxx (4)
M reflow/FlowManager.cxx (11)
M reflow/Makefile.am (1)
M reflow/MediaStream.cxx (5)
M reflow/MediaStream.hxx (2)
M repro/CommandServer.cxx (9)
M repro/CommandServer.hxx (7)
M repro/CommandServerThread.cxx (2)
M repro/CommandServerThread.hxx (2)
M repro/HttpBase.cxx (5)
M repro/Makefile.am (1)
M repro/RegSyncClient.cxx (84)
M repro/RegSyncServerThread.cxx (1)
M repro/ReproRunner.cxx (120)
M repro/ReproRunner.hxx (13)
M repro/RequestContext.cxx (14)
M repro/ResponseContext.cxx (4)
M repro/WebAdminThread.cxx (7)
M repro/WebAdminThread.hxx (2)
M repro/XmlRpcServerBase.cxx (5)
M repro/reprocmd/Makefile.am (1)
M repro/reprocmd/reprocmd.cpp (2)
M resip/dum/DialogUsageManager.cxx (4)
M resip/dum/InviteSession.cxx (1)
M resip/dum/InviteSessionHandler.hxx (2)
M resip/dum/test/basicClientUserAgent.cxx (2)
M resip/recon/Conversation.hxx (10)
M resip/recon/ConversationManager.cxx (60)
M resip/recon/ConversationManager.hxx (26)
M resip/recon/ConversationManagerCmds.hxx (12)
M resip/recon/FlowManagerSipXSocket.cxx (3)
M resip/recon/MOHParkServer/Makefile.am (6)
M resip/recon/Makefile.am (6)
M resip/recon/MediaInterface.cxx (11)
M resip/recon/MediaResourceParticipant.cxx (49)
M resip/recon/RemoteParticipant.cxx (110)
M resip/recon/RemoteParticipant.hxx (4)
M resip/recon/RemoteParticipantDialogSet.cxx (6)
A resip/recon/SipXHelper.cxx (97)
A resip/recon/SipXHelper.hxx (59)
M resip/recon/UserAgent.hxx (8)
M resip/recon/UserAgentMasterProfile.cxx (6)
M resip/recon/readme.txt (2)
M resip/recon/recon_10_0.vcxproj (4)
M resip/recon/test/Makefile.am (8)
M resip/stack/BranchParameter.cxx (25)
A resip/stack/DtmfPayloadContents.cxx (241)
A resip/stack/DtmfPayloadContents.hxx (137)
M resip/stack/HeaderFieldValue.cxx (12)
M resip/stack/HeaderFieldValue.hxx (1)
M resip/stack/Makefile.am (2)
M resip/stack/ParserContainerBase.cxx (13)
M resip/stack/ParserContainerBase.hxx (16)
M resip/stack/SdpContents.cxx (3)
M resip/stack/SdpContents.hxx (2)
M resip/stack/TcpBaseTransport.cxx (10)
M resip/stack/TransactionState.cxx (21)
M resip/stack/TransactionUser.hxx (2)
M resip/stack/WsDecorator.cxx (2)
M resip/stack/WsFrameExtractor.cxx (1)
M resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj (4)
M resip/stack/ssl/Security.cxx (12)
M resip/stack/ssl/TlsConnection.cxx (143)
M resip/stack/test/Makefile.am (3)
A resip/stack/test/testDtmfPayload.cxx (122)
M resip/stack/test/testParserCategories.cxx (208)
M resip/stack/test/testSipMessage.cxx (37)
M resiprocate.spec.in (4)
M rutil/ConfigParse.cxx (12)
M rutil/Data.cxx (2)
M rutil/GenericIPAddress.hxx (10)
M rutil/Log.cxx (17)
M rutil/ParseBuffer.cxx (8)
M rutil/ParseBuffer.hxx (4)
M rutil/SelectInterruptor.cxx (7)
M rutil/SysLogBuf.cxx (2)
M rutil/dns/AresDns.cxx (9)
M rutil/dns/ares/ares_init.c (25)
M rutil/ssl/OpenSSLInit.cxx (11)
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