[reSIProcate] Coverity scan changes - linking your Github account and other things

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Wed Oct 1 03:06:44 CDT 2014

When we first started using Coverity, they did not have any Github
integration so I created a bespoke script for Coverity scans and it has
been executed during the travis-ci builds.  Details in the .travis.yml
file in the repository.

Coverity now supports native Github integration.

For those who already have a Coverity account, you probably need to link
your Coverity account with your Github account, here are the steps:

- log in to the Coverity web site
- click your email address in the top right hand corner to display the
user menu
- click the "My Account" settings page
- click the "Github" tab
- click the button to request Github authorization
- if you are not currently logged in to Github, you will be redirected
to a Github login screen
- Github will ask you to authorize, click to confirm
- now you will get stuck in a redirect loop as it tries to send you back
to the Coverity site
- use the back button to find your way back to the Coverity settings
page and you should see the Github username there now

Coverity is now enforcing a quota on open source builds.  To comply with
this, they recommend that we only perform the scans on a branch.  We
could do this on the master branch as long as people do their work on
feature branches.  When people merge their feature branch into master,
that will trigger a Coverity scan.

While trying to adapt the travis.yml script to run Coverity the new way,
I discovered some issues, I've posted queries about them on the Coverity


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