[reSIProcate] asio version? separate reTurn source tarball?
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.com.au
Wed Feb 12 00:40:43 CST 2014
On 11/02/14 23:53, Scott Godin wrote:
> Any idea if reTurn builds on asio 1.10 already?
> Seems like the easiest way to go is to ensure that it will.
It currently fails
The 1.10.1 package was on Debian when I uploaded the reSIProcate
release, Debian now has 1.4.8 again while we investigate
The two main things we need to check:
a) does it involve a big effort to change things or just some renamed
b) can we concurrently support the old version? This is important
because 1.4.8 is in EPEL6 (for RHEL6 / CentOS6 users)
> Scott
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
>> reTurn currently builds against asio 1.4.x
>> Debian 7, Fedora and EPEL6 carry 1.4.x
>> Debian 8 (jessie) may carry asio 1.10.x
>> Fedora 21 has not made any decision
>> Keeping dependencies like this in sync can be a pain
>> Is there any motivation to use 1.10.x in the next reSIProcate release?
>> Should we possibly start releasing reTurn as a separate source tarball
>> so that this dependency issue doesn't impact the process of releasing
>> the core reSIProcate/repro packages?
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