[reSIProcate] releasing 1.9.0? changelog?

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed Feb 5 10:19:53 CST 2014

Doesn't really matter to me - in the past we have created the changelog in
SVN first - using Wiki formatting - ie: * for bullet points, etc.

Then just pasted this into the wiki when it's complete.  That has sometimes
got the wiki out of date - when SVN is updated, but the wiki is forgotten.
 Perhaps we should just link to the changelog file in SVN from the wiki.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:

>  On 05/02/14 15:38, Scott Godin wrote:
>  My 2 cents on the change log.  Many people currently using the stack may
> have no interest in the new features however would consider upgrading for
> bug fixes.  Having to dig through 100's of commit logs is pretty
> cumbersome.  Many commits are fixes for new features and not existing
> (previous release) features and it is difficult for others to determine
> which ones are which.
>  I'm willing to help generate the change log if others feel it is
> worthwhile as well.
> I'm not averse to including something like that and it will definitely be
> easier if we can share this effort
> Would you prefer that this starts on the wiki or in SVN?
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