[reSIProcate] releasing 1.9.0? changelog?

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Wed Feb 5 10:08:06 CST 2014

On 05/02/14 15:38, Scott Godin wrote:
> My 2 cents on the change log.  Many people currently using the stack
> may have no interest in the new features however would consider
> upgrading for bug fixes.  Having to dig through 100's of commit logs
> is pretty cumbersome.  Many commits are fixes for new features and not
> existing (previous release) features and it is difficult for others to
> determine which ones are which.
> I'm willing to help generate the change log if others feel it is
> worthwhile as well.

I'm not averse to including something like that and it will definitely
be easier if we can share this effort

Would you prefer that this starts on the wiki or in SVN?

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