[reSIProcate] CMake Question

Byron Campen docfaraday at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 21:56:38 CST 2014

     I've had basically no time to work on the cmake experiment branch. 
There might be some stuff there that is usable, but it sounds like 
you're further along.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

On 1/13/14 7:47 PM, Francis Joanis wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> No problem :)
> I just committed a patch on my GitHub branch that uses the built-in
> CMake macro to find openssl and it was able to find my OpenSSL
> installation on my Windows box. You can give it a try if you want but
> I was still having issues when compiling DigestStream.cxx which I
> think might be related to my version of SSL.
> I haven't heard anything back regarding the b-cmake-experiement SVN
> branch so I'll wait a bit longer and keep using the GitHub one. I'll
> try spending sometime on resip/stack tonight to see how it goes for
> the port.
> Cheers,
> Francis
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:
>> Hi Francis,
>> Thanks for setting that up and working on this!  I saw that Byron created
>> the branch in SVN, not sure how far he got with it yet.  Don't remember
>> seeing any commits, so you could likely put this work their.  Make sense to
>> you Byron?
>> I tried this out on Visual Studio 2010 and it generated the project and
>> solution files nicely.  However I had trouble with the Open SSL includes and
>> libraries.  I ended up figuring out how to add the Include path to my
>> OpenSSL directory using a command line argument.  However the linking
>> started to fail.  It seems that many exe's where trying to link with ssl.lib
>> instead of the windows named openSSL static libs.  I didn't go any further
>> after that, but thought I'd provide that feedback.
>> Thanks again,
>> Scott
>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Francis Joanis <francis.joanis at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I got Mac + Linux + Windows support working for most of rutil and all
>>> its tests with CMake/CTest at
>>> https://github.com/fjoanis/resiprocate/tree/b-fjoanis-cmake-temp and I
>>> would like to know if you had a chance to try it out. You can look at
>>> https://github.com/fjoanis/resiprocate/blob/b-fjoanis-cmake-temp/README.cmake.txt
>>> for more details.
>>> You can download a tarball of the GitHub branch by clicking on
>>> "Download ZIP" from the first GitHub link.
>>> Also, while looking at creating an actual branch for this on the resip
>>> SVN server I realized that this branch, b-cmake-experiment, already
>>> existed.
>>> I haven't had a chance to try that last one but it looks like it might
>>> make sense to combine the 2.
>>> Any comments?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Francis
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