[reSIProcate] CMake Question
Francis Joanis
francis.joanis at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 21:47:55 CST 2014
Hi Scott,
No problem :)
I just committed a patch on my GitHub branch that uses the built-in
CMake macro to find openssl and it was able to find my OpenSSL
installation on my Windows box. You can give it a try if you want but
I was still having issues when compiling DigestStream.cxx which I
think might be related to my version of SSL.
I haven't heard anything back regarding the b-cmake-experiement SVN
branch so I'll wait a bit longer and keep using the GitHub one. I'll
try spending sometime on resip/stack tonight to see how it goes for
the port.
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:
> Hi Francis,
> Thanks for setting that up and working on this! I saw that Byron created
> the branch in SVN, not sure how far he got with it yet. Don't remember
> seeing any commits, so you could likely put this work their. Make sense to
> you Byron?
> I tried this out on Visual Studio 2010 and it generated the project and
> solution files nicely. However I had trouble with the Open SSL includes and
> libraries. I ended up figuring out how to add the Include path to my
> OpenSSL directory using a command line argument. However the linking
> started to fail. It seems that many exe's where trying to link with ssl.lib
> instead of the windows named openSSL static libs. I didn't go any further
> after that, but thought I'd provide that feedback.
> Thanks again,
> Scott
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Francis Joanis <francis.joanis at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I got Mac + Linux + Windows support working for most of rutil and all
>> its tests with CMake/CTest at
>> https://github.com/fjoanis/resiprocate/tree/b-fjoanis-cmake-temp and I
>> would like to know if you had a chance to try it out. You can look at
>> https://github.com/fjoanis/resiprocate/blob/b-fjoanis-cmake-temp/README.cmake.txt
>> for more details.
>> You can download a tarball of the GitHub branch by clicking on
>> "Download ZIP" from the first GitHub link.
>> Also, while looking at creating an actual branch for this on the resip
>> SVN server I realized that this branch, b-cmake-experiment, already
>> existed.
>> I haven't had a chance to try that last one but it looks like it might
>> make sense to combine the 2.
>> Any comments?
>> Thanks,
>> Francis
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