[reSIProcate] dumping autotools and moving to CMake?

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Sun Jan 5 11:48:12 CST 2014

Anyone know of any good tools that could generate Visual Studio project
files from autotools build configs?  It might be nice to keep autotools and
have some way of autogenerating the Windows build files too.


On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 10:31 PM, Byron Campen <docfaraday at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, any change like this would be an inconvenience to some. I hope that
> we could get an idea of how many would have a difficult time with a change
> like this, so if anyone falls into this category, please speak up. We are
> very much in a phase where we need this input.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
> On Jan 4, 2014 5:47 PM, "Joegen Baclor" <jbaclor at ezuce.com> wrote:
>> On 01/05/2014 12:24 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>>> On 04/01/14 17:18, Byron Campen wrote:
>>>>       While I do like cmake, it is not a panacea, and there are some
>>>> sharp
>>>> edges. I think it might be illustrative to try writing a cmake build for
>>>> rutil/stack (plus tests), and see how much pain we run into. I can give
>>>> this a go, since I have some experience with it.
>>> Any feedback about it would be great, feel free to add to the wiki as
>>> well
>>> In terms of priorities, I think that any cmake effort can probably wait
>>> until after the 1.9.0 release has been tagged though.  Most of my own
>>> tweaks are now committed and will appear in a beta9 tarball very soon
>>> and it would be useful to have any final concerns/problems listed if
>>> anybody thinks it is not suitable for release.
>>>  It is worth mentioning that some projects (like mine) has integrated
>> resiprocate as a native submodule utilizing the capability of autotools to
>> nest other project within a single homogeneous build. This is not a
>> complaint but just a side note.  Whatever works best for resiprocate, I
>> won't have trouble with.
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