[reSIProcate] SipStack memory leak

Shypytiak Taras p-aladin at yandex.ru
Mon Dec 10 03:23:54 CST 2012

Hi, developer's team,
I'm using resiprocate-1.8.5 and I have observed a fiew memory leak issues:

1)  When we use SipStack::postMs. but thi leak happens only if applications stops nad is caused by resip/stack/TimerQueue.hxx:55.

virtual ~TimerQueue()
         while (!mTimers.empty())
Could you please implement explicit  destruction?

2) Next issue is cause by resip/stack/ParserContainerBase.hxx:61( ParserContainerBase::clear )

inline void clear() {mParsers.clear();}
In this case freeParser is not called and we have memory leak .
And this leak is more dangerous as ParserContainerBase::clear is called from  number of places(  MasterProfile::clearSupportedMethods for example ).
Could you please implement proper ParserContainerBase::clear, through ParserContainerBase::pop_front for example?


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