[reSIProcate] Google Summer of Code 2013?

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Thu Dec 6 05:51:55 CST 2012

We all know there is a long list of pages to update about the build
system and my guess is that purging old stuff could be a couple of
hours, but thoroughly adding fresh material is 2-3 days work at least,
and maybe another day to write a wrapper script around configure (to
simulate the behavior of the old wrapper script)

There are also other nice things that could be done, Scott and I put a
list together recently for another project, e.g. async auth for

One thought I just had was that we apply for Google Summer of Code 2013:


Some of the smaller tasks (like build system documentation, wiki
updates) would be a good way for a student/intern to get their feet wet
before doing any development work.

Officially, we would need one company to put their name on the
application and at least two of us to act as supervisors.

Does anyone see this as a useful strategy, maybe aligned with a v1.9
release some time next year?  Can anyone see this fitting into their own
business strategy for 2013 (e.g. if the student implements some new
feature of repro?)

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