[reSIProcate] repro doesn't react to sip INVITE in a remote server, but works correctly in LAN

Allen Guan allenguan at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 13:57:11 CDT 2011

Hi, all,

I am testing repro, first I test it in LAN, it works correctly and
forward the sip INVITE to the conference server. then I install repro
in a remote server running windows small business server 2011 which is
running behind a router, port forwarding is set up correctly. My
conference server written with resip can correctly response to a sip
INVITE when running in this server, then I stop my conference server
and start the repro, to my surprise, the repro seems can't detect the
sip INVITE. I check the code in Proxy::thread(), enable the following
line at line 104:

DebugLog (<< "TransactionUser::postToTransactionUser " << " &=" <<
&mFifo << " size=" << mFifo.size());

all I can see is ".. size = 0 ...", it doesn't capture the sip INVITE.

I use Microsoft Network Monitor to capture the traffic, I can see the
sip INVITE does arrive this server, just the repro could not capture
it, would any one please give me any suggestion for this?

Thanks a lot in advance.


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