[reSIProcate] Missing 3GPP headers in SIP Stack

Francis Joanis francis.joanis at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 19:43:50 CDT 2011

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 5:47 PM, sunil kumar <sunil230 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am thinking of building IMS test system using resiprocate library. I was
> going over resiprocate SIP stack and I found that it is missing following
> P-Headers (P-Visited-Network-ID, P-Access-Network-Info,
> P-Charging-Function-Addresses and P-Charging-Vector). I saw the wiki page on
> how to add headers and parameters. Can I go ahead and add the following
> headers?
> If i want to contribute back to the community what is the process?
> Thanks,
> Sunil.
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Maybe you already know that but in the mean time you can also use the
ExtensionHeader class if you need to add new headers to your app
without having to change the reSIProcate code.


ExtensionHeader myHeader("MyHeader");


(I typically declare such headers as static variables and reuse them as needed)

If you would like code to be submitted back into reSIProcate simply
send a patch (or describe you change) on this mailing list.

I guess the P-Headers you are wishing to add are defined in some
standard RFCs? If it is the case and those RFCs would mainly require
the new headers to be added to reSIProcate (as opposed to also add new
behavior), then it should be simple to have them submitted back into
the main code line.

Hope this helps,

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